Sleep is essential for both women and men to store enough energy for new day and to keep physical and mental health.
- Clean your skin and teeth before going bed.
- Sleep between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. where our body produces melatonin. When you sleep at this period, your dark circles disappear in the morning and you wake up happy. None of expensive creams can replace the effect of wonderful hormones produced in the night.
- Sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you had a week with sleeping disorders then compensate it next week by making a plan.
- Sleep in a dark room with no lights. Melatonin is secreted in dark. This hormone delays aging and strengthens defense mechanism. Make sure your kids sleep in dark too. If there is a light outside of your room, use dark curtains.
- Get rid of any synthetic beddings and use cotton cushions.
- Avoid sleeping on your side or on your face as this may cause wrinkles. Try sleeping on your back with a flat pillow under your knees. This will align your spine properly and the gravity will help your face to strech.
- Apply a little olive oil on your lips, this will moisturize them until
- Don't eat or drink tea, coffee at least 2-3 hours before your bedtime.
- If you don't have any health problems with your stomach then have a glass of warm water.
- Make sure the air in your room is clean enough by opening window for a while and room temperature should be warm enough so that you can sleep comfy.
- Leave the stress out of your bed. Instead of thinking of what you did and your next day plans, try imagening yourself somewhere you love.
Good nights